Monday, 23 November 2015

Guinea pig update!

Hello everyone,
Sorry I haven't been active for ages I have been busy with assignments for college. But Im back now and I thought I would give you a update about Pastels&Cornwallis.

So Cornwallis is more confident now with me he will now climb onto my lap when I bring them their food or treats. We still have a problem about me picking him up he will only let you hold him for about 2 minutes not even that! but as I said he will climb over you and he will take food off of me so I really don't know why he wont let me pick him up much.
If anyone knows any good tips for me about Cornwallis then please let me know :).
But other then that he is doing really well and everyday he still does laps of his run and hutch which is really funny to watch.
Pastels is doing really well. He loves having cuddles and if im out in the garden doing jobs he will sit at the front of the hutch and watch me which is really cute as he knows when I finish I will give him a little treat or two!
Pastels favourite pose.



Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Top 7 safe plants for your guinea pigs to eat

Here's a list of 7 plants which is safe for your guinea pigs.

1)Dandelion (flower & leaves)

2)Cleavers (sticky weed)






Monday, 28 September 2015

Why do guinea pigs need company?

Guinea pigs are social and herd animals which means they need to live with other guinea pigs. You should never just have one guinea pig because they will get lonely and bored , even if you give it attention most of the time that still doesn't stop them from being lonely. Good combinations are neutered males and one/more females, two females, neutered brothers only if they have been brought up together. Guinea pigs like to  eat, sleep and explore together and if your guinea pig is by itself then its not going to show natural behaviours they would most probably end up depressed and  bored.

By giving your guinea pig company they will show their natural behaviours like they would in the wild.
Bad combinations would be 2 aggressive boars and you should never have a rabbit and guinea pig living together because they have different food diets and guinea pigs can end up getting bullied by the rabbits and a group of boars.

Just think about it you wouldn't like it if you were on your own all the time, couldn't talk or interact  to anyone.
Just think of your piggy's.

Friday, 25 September 2015

All about my blog and about my guinea pigs

Hey everyone welcome to my blog.
I will be posting about my guinea pigs and about guinea pig care. My upload days will be a Monday and Saturday at 3pm.The reason I started a guinea pig blog is because I wanted to tell people more about guinea pig care and help them make their guinea pigs lifestyle better than it was.

About my guinea pigs.

I have two boy guinea pigs called Pastels&Cornwallis they are both 2 years old. I adopted both of them on the 3rd of October 2013 from Pets at home. They mean so much to me. Cornwallis is a cross between a long haired guinea pig and something else we are not sure what other breed, Pastels is a mix between a crested guinea pig and a tortoiseshell guinea pig.

Now a little bit about myself.
I am a 17 year old girl and I love animals. I would like more animals (guinea pigs) but my parents wont let me :( . I also have a dog he is 11 years old and he is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I study animal care at college and I love it so much. I also love paining canvases and being with the pets.