Monday, 23 November 2015

Guinea pig update!

Hello everyone,
Sorry I haven't been active for ages I have been busy with assignments for college. But Im back now and I thought I would give you a update about Pastels&Cornwallis.

So Cornwallis is more confident now with me he will now climb onto my lap when I bring them their food or treats. We still have a problem about me picking him up he will only let you hold him for about 2 minutes not even that! but as I said he will climb over you and he will take food off of me so I really don't know why he wont let me pick him up much.
If anyone knows any good tips for me about Cornwallis then please let me know :).
But other then that he is doing really well and everyday he still does laps of his run and hutch which is really funny to watch.
Pastels is doing really well. He loves having cuddles and if im out in the garden doing jobs he will sit at the front of the hutch and watch me which is really cute as he knows when I finish I will give him a little treat or two!
Pastels favourite pose.